1. Fischer.-Pfliiger's. Arch. f. Physiol., Vol. CXXVII, pp. 1-3, 1909.
2. Meesmann.-Arch. f. Augenheilk., Vol. XCIV, p. 115, 1924.
3. Michaelis u. Gyemann.-Biochemn. Zeitschr., Vol. CIX, p. 165, 1920.
4. aged 58 years, a business man of heavy build, came under my care in March, 1923, owing to a defect in the vision of hiis left eye whiclh his optician was unable to correct witlh glasses. He lhad been aware of a defect in this eye for twenty years;f. Ophthal., Hertel Arch; Vol;CV; Wcas R.=5/9, I.=5/12, and with correction, 5/5 and 5/6. He gave a "gouty" history, and hiis eyelids presented several clhalazia and conjunctival lithiases. On ophthalmoscopic examination the right eye was found to be normal except for the,1923