1. See for example the very recent report from Office of Health Economics (1978), Renal failure: a priority in health and the comment thereon
2. Human Tissue Transplants, Chapter 9,1969
3. Current Legal Problems, 22, 102. 'For a thorough discussion see Lanham (197I). Transplant and the Human Tissue Act I96I in Medicine, Science and the Law, iI, i6 and Dworkin (1970). The law relating to organ transplantation in England in Modern;Kennedy, Ian;Law Review; The Shortage of Organs for Clinical Transplantation in British Medical,1975
4. 8See the full discussion Australian Law Reform Commission Report, op. cit., Chapter I5;Calne, R.;Y et al; Supplying organs for transplantation in Michigan,1975
5. Ethical aspects of donor consent in transplantation. Yournal of Medical;Mahoney, John;Ethics; Australian Law Reform Commission Report, op. cit,1975