Our health, our research. Identifying public health research priorities among children and youth in a multiethnic population: protocol for a community-based participatory health research priority survey


Irgens Eirik LindORCID,Berglen Gunnhild,Christoffersen Tore,Henninen Anita Pettersen,Hermansen Rune,Karlsen Maret Risten Eira,Kokkvoll Ane Sofie,Liabo Kristin,Møllersen Snefrid,Rugland Grete,Stock Magnhild Helen,Zachariassen Tonje Olsen,Kjaer MetteORCID


IntroductionEmphasis on public involvement (PI) in health research has increased in the last 20 years. However, there is limited literature on PI in planning and conducting population-based health research. This study aims to identify child and adolescent health research priorities among children and stakeholder groups in Northern Norway by inviting PI groups to collaborate with researchers to develop and conduct a research priority survey.Methods and analysisThis is a community-based participatory research project. The methods for research prioritisation are informed by those developed by the James Lind Alliance. In addition, the survey design and engagement plans are developed in extensive collaboration with child and youth stakeholder groups. Nine PI groups have met three times to develop an anonymous child and youth health research priority survey, as well as strategies for recruitment and dissemination of results. All 5th–10th grade pupils in the Finnmark region will be invited to participate in the survey, as well as caretakers and adults working for and with children and youth. The survey results will be analysed in collaboration with the PI groups, and research priorities checked with existing research literature.Ethics and disseminationThe study is registered and approved by the Data Protection Authorities at the Finnmark Hospital Trust and the Expert Committee for Sami Health Research. Descriptions of methods applied and the survey results will be published in popular and scientific publications.


Finnmark Hospital Trust Research Fund




General Medicine

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