IntroductionUnhealthy lifestyle behaviours continue to be highly prevalent, including alcohol consumption, unhealthy diets, insufficient physical activity and smoking. There is a lack of effective interventions which have a large enough reach into the community to improve public health. Additionally, the common co-occurrence of multiple unhealthy behaviours demands investigation of efforts which address more than single behaviours.Methods and analysisThe effects of six components of a novel digital multiple health behaviour change intervention on alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity and smoking (coprimary outcomes) will be estimated in a factorial randomised trial. The components are designed to facilitate behaviour change, for example, through goal setting or increasing motivation, and are either present or absent depending on allocation (ie, six factors with two levels each). The study population will be those seeking help online, recruited through search engines, social media and lifestyle-related websites. Included will be those who are at least 18 years of age and have at least one unhealthy behaviour. An adaptive design will be used to periodically make decisions to continue or stop recruitment, with simulations suggesting a final sample size between 1500 and 2500 participants. Multilevel regression models will be used to analyse behavioural outcomes collected at 2 months and 4 months postrandomisation.Ethics and disseminationApproved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority on 2021-08-11 (Dnr 2021-02855). Since participation is likely motivated by gaining access to novel support, the main concern is demotivation and opportunity cost if the intervention is found to only exert small effects. Recruitment began on 19 October 2021, with an anticipated recruitment period of 12 months.Trial registration numberISRCTN16420548.
Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare
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