1. January 1985 to 31 December 1989 were identified. Possible cases of tuberculosis were identified from the following sources
2. Infectious disease notification-a neglected legal requirement;Harvey, I.;Health Trends,1991
3. Ambiguities and inaccuracies in the notification system for tuberculosis in England and Wales;Davies, P.D.; Darbyshire, J.H.; Nunn, A.J.; Byfield, S.P.; Fox, W.; Citron, K.M.;Community Med,1981
4. Notification of tuberculosis: can the pathologist help?;Bradley, B.L.; Kerr, K.M.; Leitch, A.G.; Lamb, D.;BMJ,1988
5. The reporting of communicable diseases;Marier, R.;Am J Epidemiol,1977