1. Sure Start children’s centres prevented 13 000 hospital admissions a year, study estimates
2. Institute for Fiscal Studies. The health effects of universal early childhood interventions: evidence from Sure Start. 2021. https://ifs.org.uk/publications/15573
3. Black D. Inequalities in health: report of a research working group. 1980. Available from www.sochealth.co.uk/national-health-service/public-health-and-wellbeing/poverty-and-inequality/the-black-report-1980/black-report-foreword
4. Department of Health . Independent inquiry into inequalities of health: report. Stationery Office, 1998.
5. BMA. Health at a price: reducing the impact of poverty. 2017. www.bma.org.uk/what-we-do/population-health/health-inequalities/health-at-a-price-reducing-the-impact-of-poverty