1. myast.org . COVID-19 vaccine FAQ sheet. American Society of transplantation, 2021. Available: https://www.myast.org/sites/default/files/2021%2003%2018%20COVID19%20VACCINE%20FAQS_update.pdf [Accessed 06 May 2021].
2. myast.org . COVID-19 vaccine FAQ sheet. American Society of transplantation, 2020. Available: https://www.myast.org/sites/default/files/2020%2012%2024%20COVID19%20VACCINE%20FAQS_CLEAN-v2.pdf [Accessed 06 May 2021].
3. American Society of Transplant Surgeons . Transplant capacity and early vaccine recommendations. American Society of transplant surgeons, 2020. Available: https://asts.org/advocacy/covid-19-resources/asts-covid-19-strike-force/transplant-capacity-in-the-covid-19-era [Accessed 06 May 2021].
4. Safety of the First Dose of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
5. Immunogenicity of a Single Dose of SARS-CoV-2 Messenger RNA Vaccine in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients