1. Dynamic imaging of the stomach by real time ultrasound - a antrum until various components of the meal become homogenised. The extent and duration method for the study of gastric motility;Holt, S.; McDicken, W.N.; Anderson, T.; Stewart, I.C.; Heading, R.C.,1980
2. Evaluation of this type of inaccuracy would, therefore, depend on the specific components of the meal of the gastric emptying and motility by means of real time ultrasonography;Marzio, L.; Neri, M.; Di Gianmarco, A.M.; Cuccurullo, F.,1983
3. Antral posterior gastric wall. Under the present experimental conditions, in which the meal (an average contractions and fluid movement in the human stomach. Observations with real time ultrasound;Adam, R.D.; McDicken, W.N.; Anderson, T.; Heading, R.C.,1983
4. Measurement of gastric emptying rate in humans by real-time ultrasound;Holt, S.; Cervantes, J.; Wilkinson, A.A.; Wallace, J.H.K.;Gastroenterology,1986