1. Other authors have reported another 17 patients with segmental ONH and good visual acuity who were all the offspring of diabetic mothers; most had bilateral inferior altitudinal visual field defects which spared fixation.'4 Several other forms of visual field defects have been reported, including binasal defects, small arcuate defects, and centrocaecal scotomata.34 The relationship of the pattern of the field defects to the underlying
2. Conclusion ONH should be sought in any child with poor vision or in patients labelled as having amblyopia resistant to occlusion. All children with ONH, particularly those with severe visual loss, and all bilateral cases with impaired vision, should have a careful clinical examination including a CT scan. The general physical examination of the child with special reference to height and weight may indicate the need for investigation of pituitary function and should be performed on all children with an abnormal CT appearance. The frequent association of CNS anomalies and endocrine problems with ONH is an important piece of information which the attendant ophthalmologist must convey to the paediatrician and the family practitioner, with a view to arranging appropriate and early treatment
3. Hypoplasia of the optic nerve;Mosier, M.A.; Lieberman, M.F.; Green, W.R.; Knox, D.L.;Arch Ophthalmol,1978
4. Optic nerve aplasia and hypoplasia;Hotchkiss, M.L.; Green, W.R.;J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus,1979
5. Optic nerve hypoplasia and visual function (a quantitative correlation);Acers, T.E.;J Okla State MedAssoc,1983