Letter: Rates of creatinine and urea clearance in preterm infants on the 3rd day after birth.


Sertel H




Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference8 articles.

1. Fat absorption in congenital obstructive liver disease;T., Glasgow J.F.; Hamilton, J.R.; Sass-Kortsak, A.;Archives of Disease in Childhood,1973

2. The association of fingerprint ridge atrophy with intestinal villous atrophy in coeliac patients was first reported by David, Ajdukiewicz, and Read in 1970; according to these authors, changes in fingerprints were found in most of adult coeliac patients and in the few untreated children they studied. Others have questioned these findings both;Sir;adults, and more particularly, in children (McCrae et al; et al; Mylotte,1971

3. Fingerprints were obtained in each patient from the thumb, middle, and little fingers of the right hand. For each print in a coeliac child prints were obtained from 2 control children of the same age. Particular care was put in taking the print of the little finger, the most frequently affected in coeliac patients according to;David et al; In taking the prints, the fingertips were first cleaned with ether, blotted with a lead pencil, and the print obtained on transparent sellotape which in turn was stuck on a white cardboard,1970

4. Normal fingerprints were obtained from all coeliac children, which is in agreement with the findings of McCrae;et al. (1971), Mylotte et al. (1972), and David, Ajdukiewicz, and Read,1973

5. Fingerprint changes in coeliac disease;David, T.J.; Ajdukiewicz, A.B.; Read, A.E.;British Medical_Journal,1970

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