1. Magida 39 M Fever;and, Klein
2. Daikos and Kosmidis 47 M Upper abdominal pain then dark Mixed LFTs urine, pale stools
3. 1977 56 M Relapsing jaundice, upper Mixed LFTs Mild portal fibrosis (before abdominal pain followed by jaundice challenge) 66 F Malaise and tiredness found to Pyrexia, mildly have abnormal LFTs abnormal LFTs 4;Lee; Rees;Ford et al,1977
4. Pramming aind 62 F Abdominal pain '? gall stones Mixed LFTs Cholestasis, intrahepatic oedema Peterson,1978
5. Hepatitic LFTs Schrijver 1978 jaundice-'3 gall stoncs;Brcnkilen, Van; 72 F Fever, abdominal pain