1. I'reliminarv experience with balloon dilation of the pylorus;Benjamin, S.B.; Glass, R.L.; Cattau, E.L.; Miller, W.B.,1984
2. Balloon dilatation of upper digestive tract strictures. (Gastroenterolok';Lindor, K.D.; Ott, B.J.; Hughes, R.W.,1985
3. IPreliminarv experience with hvdrostatic balloon dilation of gastric outlet obstruction;Hogan, R.B.; Hamilton, J.K.; IPotter, D.E.;Gastrointest Endosc,1986
4. Hvdrostatic balloon dilation of gastrointestinal stcnoses: a national survey;Kozarek, R.A.;Gastrolpitest Etidosw,1986