1. BMA ply..ng unit --suy of genel p-ctice 14; 9. 'H-B, OoJMT,.dTih7 e19m7-1; ns:e55sc-l4.3..h*;a0r0i-D, Jeffoeys M.,1971
2. CLondonHbh Psnnio g Cl -ons Study Goop. Pt, omty hobO 0000 SoriintlihnDJeO.trl Lnd-n-Ldoono.d.o.n.:thL. H. PoCNh,-1o981.l H(oAoclhtSehO-Ootorie, po.rtL.)ondon Polim Studies 1--iu*;CaSn-na0o-oto, iuoorgl0ohoh; yofHAoef, ga-lMOnthe'hrBarlSieerpHnvr; iaMccoetiSotSiusoo;Honcdaeli.arl1e.tshc,1976
3. Intcrviews conductcd with general practitioners in fivc hcalth authorities in Greater Manchester in 1981 show little overall difference between the staffing and organisation of gencral practices in the Manchester-Salford inner city partnership area and adjacent areas. The level of use of deputising services and the lack of reported contact between some general practitioners, community nurses, and health visitors throughout the five authorities will, however, cause some concern