1. The TARNlet Committee . Severe injury in children January 2015- December 2016. Available: https://www.tarn.ac.uk/content/HTML/SiC/files/assets/common/downloads/2%20years%20of%20severe%20injury%20in%20children%20.pdf?uni=f8deca146be9f61c4e68bb0dfe8d9dc3 [Accessed 22 Nov 2019].
2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence . Head injury assessment and early management. London: NICE, 2014. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg176
3. Use of CT in children with minor head injuries with isolated vomiting
4. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence . Spinal injury: assessment and initial management. London: NICE, 2016. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng41
5. The Canadian C-Spine Rule for Radiography in Alert and Stable Trauma Patients