Pathways to inequalities in child health


Pearce AnnaORCID,Dundas Ruth,Whitehead Margaret,Taylor-Robinson David


From birth, children living in disadvantaged socioeconomic circumstances (SECs) suffer from worse health than their more advantaged peers. The pathways through which SECs influence children’s health are complex and inter-related, but in general are driven by differences in the distribution of power and resources that determine the economic, material and psychosocial conditions in which children grow up. A better understanding of why children from more disadvantaged backgrounds have worse health and how interventions work, for whom and in what contexts, will help to reduce these unfair differences. Macro-level change is also required, including the reduction of child poverty through improved social security systems and employment opportunities, and continued investment in high-quality and accessible services (eg, childcare, key workers, children’s centres and healthy school environments). Child health professionals can play a crucial role by being mindful of the social determinants of health in their daily practice, and through advocating for more equitable and child-focussed resource allocation.


Wellcome Trust

Chief Scientist Office

Medical Research Council




Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference41 articles.

1. Have health inequalities changed during childhood in the New Labour generation? Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study

2. Viner RM , Hargreaves D , Cheung C . State of Child Health Report. London: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2017.

3. Policies to tackle inequalities in child health: why haven't they worked (better)?

4. Social inequality and infant health in the UK: systematic review and meta-analyses

5. Graham H , Power C . Childhood disadvantage and adult health: a lifecourse framework. London: Health Development Agency, 2004.







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