1. The Future of Paediatrics and Child Health-Discussion documcnt of the
2. Qucen Squarc London WI 1984. Through The Looking Glass-Or. Look Bcforc You Leap. Cassadi';Ain J Dis Child;Paediatrics; Consistcncy of Carc in an Intensivc Carc Nurscry Staff hy Nursc Clinicians,1982
3. From Handmaiden to Health Specialist-Nursing Mirror Junc 1981: 22-4. The Hospital Nurse Practitioncr in Pacdiatrics. Silvcr ct al;AJDC
4. Expanded Rolcs in Critical Carc: Nursc Practitioncr or Clinical Specialist Dimcnsions of Critical Carc Nursing;March/April,1983
5. Unless one hears anachronistic 'go-it-alone' philosophy as in The Swing of the Pendulim' or the rejection of case conference by the Society of Clinical Psychiatrists, medical megalomania masquerading as purist ethicmay go unchallenged. Even if one takes the arguments of Drs Chapman and Woodmansey seriously, it is neither practical for child psychiatrists to take the central role regularly, nor acceptable that they decry all multidisciplinary conclusionsperhaps not even attend casc conference!