Plasma levels and intestinal absorption of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in patients with small bowel resection.


Compston J E,Creamer B





Reference16 articles.

1. of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids after ileal resection could thus produce malabsorption of 25-OHD in the patients studied, most of whom had had large enough ileal resections to produce significant bile acid malabsorption. Recently, some direct evidence has been provided for an enterohepatic circulation of 25-OHD in man (Arnaud et al., 1975), and interruption of this circulation after small bowel resection may well lead to further faecal loss of 25-OHD. This continuous increased faecal loss of the metabolite may be important in the production of low plasma 25-OHD levels in these patients, particularly in the winter months when endogenous vitamin D synthesis is at a minimum

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