1. The maximal bicarbonate secretion observed in this study is of the same order of magnitude as has been reported by others using highly purified natural secretin as well as synthetic secretin;Berstad;Scandinavian Journal of Gas-troenterology; The pancreatic exocrine secretion in duodenal ulcer patients before and after selective proximal vagotomy of the stomach,1968
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4. Failure of secretin jects studied. Two of the six had already achieved release in patients with duodenal ulcer. British Medical maximal secretion at the third dose level (09 CU/kg/ h). The use of synthetic secretin assures absence of;Bloom, S.R.; Ward, A.S.;Journal,1975
5. Boden, G., Essa, N., Owen, 0. E., and Reichle, F. A. (1974).