1. ALLEN, I. M., Jour. Neurol. and P8ychopathol., 1931, 12, 24.
2. Fox, E. L., Brit. Med. Jour., 1922, 1, 513.
3. Reflex Activity of the Spinal;CREED, R.S.; DENNY-BROWN, D.E.; EccLEs, J.C.; LIDDELL, E.G.T.; SHERRINGTON, C.S.,1932
4. Beevor's Croonian Lectures of 1904 and a paper by;WILSON, S.A.K.I.N.N.I.E.R.; Roy, Proc;Soc. Med; which are not available to me for direct reference, are referred to in Dr. Kinnier Wilson's paper