A 36-year-old woman presented with problems of lower urinary tract symptoms for 2 years duration. Patient was being managed as a case of urethral stricture with routine calibration. Micturating cystourethrogram showed failure of bladder neck to open. On urodynamic study, she was found to have bladder outlet obstruction with high pressure, low flow pattern. Based on these findings, patient was diagnosed to have primary bladder neck obstruction (PBNO). She was also being evaluated for primary infertility and was to undergo in vitro fertilisation. She successfully underwent bladder neck incision after discussion about management options. Bladder neck incision is one of the accepted management options for PBNO. Post procedure patient was relieved of symptoms and also had an uneventful full-term pregnancy. Bladder neck incision in women is an effective treatment option when patient has been properly selected and procedure done with expert hands.