A young man in his first decade of life presented with insidious onset, gradually progressive diminution of vision in right eye since 2 months associated with foreign body sensation. Slit-lamp examination revealed superior arcuate band of corneal stromal thinning extending from 9-3 o’ clock. There was associated corneal vascularisation and presence of lipid deposition at the leading edge of the furrow formation with intact epithelium without any apparent signs of inflammation. There was no previous history of ocular or systemic disease, trauma, ocular surgery, collagen vascular disease or contact lens wear. Serological tests for rheumatic diseases did not show any abnormalities. Scheimpflug imaging showed high against the rule astigmatism with a ‘reverse crab claw’ pattern. A provisional diagnosis of right eye Terrien’s marginal corneal degeneration was made. On a 1-month follow-up visit, there was significant symptomatic relief with lubricants alone and with spectacles the visual acuity improved to 20/60 in the right eye.