Sanjay Srinivasan,Sharief Shama,Joshi Aishwarya,Yadav Naresh Kumar
A man in his early 20s presented with acute loss of vision in his only eye, the left eye (OS), and was on oral steroids. He had lost vision in his right eye during his childhood and the cause was unknown. There was no history of trauma. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in OS was 20/100 and in the right eye was hand movements. OS showed non-granulomatous keratic precipitates on the cornea, anterior chamber flare 1+ and cell 1+, early cataract, vitreous haze and cells 2+ with nasal retinal detachment and superior full thickness retinitis. He underwent pars plana vitrectomy with intravitreal ganciclovir and barrage laser away from the necrotic retina. PCR for herpes simplex virus 2 was positive from the aqueous and vitreous sample. He was started on oral valacyclovir 1 g three times a day and continued on tapering dose of oral steroids. BCVA in OS at 6-month follow-up was 20/25.