Verruconis gallopavais an emerging causative agent in solid organ transplant patients, increasing in prevalence both in non-transplanted patients and also in immunocompetent ones, albeit rarely. In this case report, we describe an unusualV. gallopavainfection in a patient with steroid-dependent autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. The chest CT scan revealed a mass-like consolidation in the superior segment of the right lower lobe, and bronchoscopic examination confirmedV. gallopavafrom bronchoalveolar lavage. The histopathology showed non-necrotising granulomatous inflammation concurrent with septate-pigmented hyphae, which is compatible with dematiaceous fungi. After 3 weeks of posaconazole treatment, the patient developed a new pericardial effusion. Further investigations, including culture, cytology and histopathology, yielded negative results, leading to suspicion of reactive pericardial effusion associated withV. gallopavapulmonary infection. The patient received antifungal therapy for 9 months, after which a follow-up chest CT scan showed complete resolution of consolidation and pericardial effusion.