Hearing loss following COVID-19 infection has been scarcely reported in the literature.A previously well middle-aged man presented to the emergency department with breathlessness and cough 8 days after testing positive for COVID-19 in the community. The patient was treated in the intensive care unit due to respiratory failure. Following extubation and step down to ward-level care 2 months later, the patient reported sudden left-sided hearing loss and tinnitus. Ear examination was unremarkable and pure tone audiometry revealed profound left sensorineural hearing loss. MRI of the internal acoustic meatus did not show any cerebellopontine lesions. Intravenous steroid therapy as well as oral steroids were not successful in improvement of hearing.A few cases of COVID-19-associated sensorineural hearing loss have been reported; the majority report irreversible loss. Awareness of this phenomenon and early referral for specialist review and audiological assessment to attempt salvage of hearing can reduce hearing disability.