1. National survey oftuberculosis notifications in England and Wales 1978/79;Council, Medical Research;Br Med J,1980
2. National survey oftuberculosis notifications in England and Wales in 1983;Council, Medical Research;Br Med J,1985
3. National Dwelling and Housing Survey;of the Environment, Department,1979
4. Population Censuses and Surveys. Deaths by birthplace ofdeceased 1982. Monitor DH1 84/1;Office of;Research Committee of the British Tuberculosis Association. Tubercle; British Tuberculosis Association. Tuberculosis among immigrants to England and Wales: a national survey in 1965. A report from the,1984
5. British Thoracic and Tuberculosis Association. A tuberculosis survey in England and Wales 1971; the influence of immigration and country of birth upon notifications. A report from the Research Committee of the British Thoracic and Tuberculosis Association;Tubercle; 7Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Labour Force Survey 1984: Country ofbirth, ethnic group, year ofentry andnationality. Monitor LFS 85/1,1973