1. Brit..7;ALLEN, E.P.;Rad,1947
2. Obst;and Gyn., BEit. Emp,1938
3. 'Radiodiagnostic Obstetrical, I'Expansion Scientifique Francais;PIZON, P.I.E.R.R.E.,1948
4. Sir James Young Simpson (ii88-I870) was born and educated in Edinburgh. His great ability and fascinating personality resulted in his appointment to the chair of Obstetrics in I840. Following his introduction of ether to midwifery he experimented in other less unpleasant agents until in I847 he published the results offive cases anaesthetized with chloroform. His advocacy of the use of anaesthesia in childbirth involved him in prolonged and bitter controversies, which were only ended in i853 when Queen Victoria herself received chloroform at the birth of Prince Leopold. His great inventive powers led to the introduction of the long obstetric forcep, uterine sounds, sponge tents and the use of dilation of the cervix uteri as a diagnostic measure