1. A ugenheilk., Vol;JESS, A.Klin Monatsbl f;LXXIV,1925
2. The retinal lesion itself proved to be of especial interest, since in our opinion it bears a striking resemblance to the microscopic appearance described in certain cases of retinitis pigmentosa,1908
3. Most of the eyes of the younger animals were fixed in Zenker's solution, a few in Fleming's solution both with and without the acetic acid, and a few in Bouin's solution. One or two were also treated by de Castro's method for nerve fibres. Paraffin sections were cut at 8)u and the following stains used; haematoxylin and eosin, the Azan modification of Mallory's triple connective tissue stain, Feulgen's method for nuclei, and Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin with a counterstain of aniline blue and orange G. In addition a few of the eyes were stained with Bodian's;Technique, Histological,1936
4. Death of the rod nuclei of the outer nuclear layer
5. Complete degeneration of the outer nuclear layer, with disintegration of the rods themselves