1. NHS England. Coronavirus: second phase of NHS response to COVID-19. 29 Apr 2020. https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/publication/second-phase-of-nhs-response-to-covid-19-letter-from-simon-stevens-and-amanda-pritchard.
2. Covid-19: Disproportionate impact on ethnic minority healthcare workers will be explored by government
3. Covid-19: Two thirds of healthcare workers who have died were from ethnic minorities
4. British International Doctors’ Association. Support for BAME health care workers. 28 Apr 2020. http://www.bidaonline.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/BIDA-Letter-to-UK-Trusts-and-Health-Boards-1-1.pdf.
5. Somerset NHS Foundation Trust. Supporting our BAME colleagues. 24 Apr 2020. https://somersetft.nhs.uk/?news=supporting-our-bame-colleagues.