1. Bailey et al have suggested that the ideal time for transplantation may be in the preterm or neonatal period, as "immunologic privilege" ensures that the host response is less aggressive and more easily controlled.'6 'I This window of opportunity appears to last for only the first 30 days of life.'6 17 A further problem in neonatal transplantation is the source of donor organs. In July 1988, after a public outcry, the Loma Linda group stopped using anencephalic donors as only three of 14 such babies fulfilled the criteria for brain death and only one proved suitable for transplantation;Interestingly
2. Do wc really correct congenital hcart dcfects?;Stark, J.;7 Ihotrac Cardiltvas.cSurg,1989
3. 'rhe registry otf;Kriett, J.M.; Nill, Kaye,1990
4. Heart and heart-lting transplantationi in children. Ciircutlanon 1987; 76: sutppl 4 2)4;Radley-Smitht, R, Jacotiib \IH
5. Over PE, ci at. Heart transplantation itt children..7 Heart 'ratnsplantt;Starnes, V.A.; Bernstein, D.,1989