Incidence of insulin dependent diabetes in children aged under 15 years in the British Isles during 1988.


Metcalfe M A,Baum J D




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Engineering

Reference34 articles.

1. When the number of cases diagnosed in each age group in 1988 was compared with the mean number of cases diagnosed in 1973-4, there seemed to be a significantly higher proportion of cases in children under the age of 5 years diagnosed in 1988 (25%, 404/1600) than in 1973-4 (19%, 202/1056). Log linear regression was then used to study the incidence rates in each age group rather than the crude numbers for the two studies (table III): a significant year effect (X2= 5.45, p<005) and a significant age trend (x2=4 95, p<0 05) were found. There was, however, no interaction between these two factors, showing that the same slope for age was applicable in both 1973-4 and 1988 (X2=0-28) not significant). The same statistical results were applicable when the data were divided by sex

2. Prevalence and ten-year (1970-1979) incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents in Finland;Reunanen, A.; Akerblom, H.K.; Kaar, M.-L.;Acta PaediatrScand,1982

3. Epidemiologic survey of juvenileonset insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in Hokkaido, Japan, 1973-1981;Matsuura, N.; Fukushima, N.; Fukita, H.;TohokuJExp Med,1983

4. Register of newly diagnosed diabetic children. BM3',1975

5. Epidemiology of type I (insulindependent) diabetes in Scotland 1968-76: evidence of an increasing incidence;Patterson, C.C.; Thorogood, M.; Smith, P.G.;Diabetologia,1983

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