In this study, it was aimed a systematic re-examination of qualitative studies related to the classroom management. For this purpose, it was examined ten journals published by education faculties. In conclusion, 14 qualitative studies, which exactly met the criteria were examined. These studies were analyzed by using thematic synthesis method. As a result of thematic synthesis, four main themes emerged. These themes were the context of classroom management, factors affecting classroom management, disruptive behaviors, and coping with disruptive behaviors. The sub-themes related to classroom management main theme were strategies, approaches, dimensions, and competencies. The factors affecting classroom management were students, teachers, parents, school management, physical insufficiency, and socio-economic structure. The sub-themes related to the disruptive behaviors main theme were breaking the rules, disrupting the flow of the lesson, rudeness and disrespectfulness, emotional instability, verbal violence, indifference, and physical violence. In addition, the sub-themes related to the coping with disruptive behaviors main theme are tolerance, guidance, communication, cooperation, verbal warning, enforcement of sanctions, giving responsibility, and reaction. According to the meta-synthesis results, it may be said that synthesized qualitative studies mostly emphasize on the scope of classroom management, the factors affecting classroom management, and management of disruptive behaviors in classroom.
Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi
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