"Deserted” technologies in the railway transport of the Arctic zone


Golubev O. A.1


1. Ural State University of Railway Transport


Currently much attention is paid to the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. First of all, we are talking about the development of mineral deposits. The peculiarity of these territories is a very low population density, less than 1 person per square kilometer. The living conditions for people there are really not the best. At the same time, without proper transport support for these territories, the development of deposits is impossible. In this regard, the possibility of using "deserted" technologies in all spheres of human life comes to the fore. Today the world is actively developing Big Data technologies that allow you to process large amounts of data. And this means that people can rest and entrust routine operations to a computer. Rail transport looks most advantageous as a transport support for the Arctic zone. The main railway transport systems are railway tracks and rolling stock with integrated systems that ensure the safety of the transport process. The functioning of these systems should be co


Educational and Instructional Center for Railway Transportation

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