1. Educational and instructional center for railway transportation
The organization and conduct of the practice of students of Roszheldor in specialized organizations are considered. Documentary materials of the organization and conduct of the practice, annual reports submitted to the Federal Agency for Railway Transport were used. Some statistical data on the results of testing practice in specialized organizations are given.The main points of checking practical training are analyzed. Practical training in terms of practice is the most complex form of the educational process, both in organizational and methodological terms. The difficulty lies in the ability of the organizers of the practice to combine the interests of the specialized and educational organizations, to adapt the learning process to practical tasks. Verification of practical training in terms of practice is checked in two directions in educational organizations and at railway transport infrastructure facilities.There is an increase in the number of full-time students of secondary vocational education who have practiced at paid jobs.Currently, there is no information about the demand for personnel by enterprises in the coming years, which may affect the state of the vocational education system, and this, in turn, will have an impact on the development of social partnership between educational organizations and employers. Based on the cooperation of educational and specialized organizations, including the creation of training and production clusters, it is important to explore new opportunities for innovative trends, taking into account established traditions.
Educational and Instructional Center for Railway Transportation
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