
Gonak Igor


cryptoeconomics due to its significant impact both on the global world and on the national Ukrainian economy due to the fact that Ukraine is one of the leaders in the cryptoeconomic sphere according to the Cryptocurrency Perception Index. Methods. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. The following special methods were used in the research process: the method of direct observation – collection of information on the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies and the volume of world GDP and US GDP during 2013-2022 and the change in the Fed discount rate in 2022; information processing methods were applied to develop tables of linear and non-linear dependence and determine the closeness of the relationship between the dynamics of the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies and the volume of world GDP and US GDP during 2013-2022; the method of analytical work was used to calculate correlation and determination coefficients; abstract and logical method – for formulating research conclusions. Results. It is characterized that the cryptoeconomy is a combination of cryptographic tools and economic incentives; the goal of the cryptoeconomy is to create a decentralized ecosystem that has the ability to operate without outside interference. It was found that the cryptoeconomy is an integral and harmonious component of the international economy. It has been investigated that the cryptoeconomy is influenced by government regulation. Discussion. The article summarizes that there is a significant correlational and deterministic relationship between the world gross domestic product and the US gross domestic product and the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies in 2013-2022 and between the US Fed discount rate and the total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies in 2022. In perspective it is appropriate to consider the impact on the cryptoeconomy of the social and economic, military and political rivalry between the USA and the PRC due to the Russian-Ukrainian war. Keywords: cryptoeconomy, total market capitalization of cryptocurrencies, world GDP, US GDP, Fed discount rate.


Scientific Club SOPHUS


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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