
Ponedilchuk Tetyana,Prykhodko Tamara


Introduction. Effective development of the business environment is a key factor in the sustainable functioning of business structures. Entrepreneurial activity ensures the improvement of the social situation, solving problems related to the employment of the population, the level of income of its households, the income of regional and local budgets, levelling the centres of social tension. This determines the need for the formation of an entrepreneurial environment that ensures the improvement of the efficiency of business structures, the activation of factors of its development operating at the macro-, meso-, micro- and nano-levels. Methods. The methodological and theoretical basis of the research is the scientific provisions of fundamental and applied research in the field of economic theory, strategic management, planning and work of domestic and foreign scientists of various branches of economic science, in which the fundamental theories of the formation of the environment for the development of entrepreneurship are given. The results. The economic content of the entrepreneurial environment of the region as a complex system formed by the actions (functions) of subjects of five levels is clarified: the nano-level is formed by entrepreneurs who combine the functions of owner and manager; business owners; hired managers and employees who form the “technosphere”; the micro level is represented by enterprises and organizations interacting with them of a different institutional nature; the macro- and meso-level are formed by authorities of the corresponding levels and local self-government bodies; at the global level, the highest authorities of states, economic unions, transnational companies, economic organizations of the international level operate. The author's position is distinguished by the substantiation of the composition of the performed functions by objects of different levels that correspond to their social and economic and institutional nature, which allowed to determine the composition and nature of the influence of the factors of the development of the entrepreneurial environment of the region. Discussion. The post-war period of development of rural areas will be carried out due to the activation of the entrepreneurial initiative of the population. Accordingly, there is a task to create a favourable environment for the activation of business entities, using the levers of state and local authorities, through the introduction of direct and indirect methods of state stimulation. The formation of an environment for the development of entrepreneurship in the post-war period of the revival of the agrarian economy will require the development of a Strategy for the development of entrepreneurial initiatives of war veterans at the level of the state and administrative-territorial entities, which will involve the implementation of preferential taxation programs, grant support, etc. in the practical sphere. Keywords: entrepreneurship, environment, entrepreneurial activity, population, income.


Scientific Club SOPHUS


Pharmacology (medical),Complementary and alternative medicine,Pharmaceutical Science

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