Introduction. Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a special role in shaping society, so they must both disseminate knowledge of the world experience of social responsibility and adhere to the principles of social responsibility. HEIs should be actively involved in community initiatives, inter-sectoral dialogue, and help to develop regional and national policy standards. In turn, the social responsibility of institutions leads to a strengthening of their reputation. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to substantiate the role of social responsibility of higher education institutions in building their reputational capital.
Methods. The following methods were used in the study: quantitative and content analysis of the literary sources of the Web of Science Core Collection database (for the period 1970-2019) on the topics "reputation", "reputation capital" and "reputation of higher education institutions"; comparative analysis of the results of the World Reputation Rankings rankings for the period 2011-2019 and the key performance indicators of the TOP-10 HEIs; graphical, abstract and logical methods – to substantiate the cooperation of HEI with stakeholders; method of scientific generalization – to reflect the expediency of managing the reputation of HEI on the basis of social responsibility.
Results. The interest of scientists on the topic of managing the reputation of HEI in the context of countries, directions and years are analysed in the article. The analysis of the World Reputation Rankings indicators revealed the common features and differences of the TOP-10 HEI by the following criteria: reputation level, cost of education, living expenses, salary after 10 years, number of students per teacher, percentage of foreign students, ratio of students to women and men, number of full-time students. The author considered various options of cooperation of HEI with stakeholders, and also outlined the strategic advantages of forming HEI’s reputation capital on the principles of social responsibility.
Discussion. Further research is planned to be conducted on developing a model for ensuring the development of HEIs based on social responsibility.
Keywords: higher education institutions, social responsibility, reputation, reputational risks, rating.
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