Trusova Natalia,Kukina Natalia
Introduction. The course of the economic and ecological crisis of recent years, and, especially, in the phase of martial law in Ukraine, shows the urgency of the transition to another business model of agricultural production, since at the moment the "green economy" model is the only one that allows a comprehensive approach to the solution problems of ensuring sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the post-conflict period. Methods. The following methods were used in the research process: monographic (when studying the experience and features of running agricultural production on the basis of the green economy), the method of analysis and synthesis (when justifying the involvement of ecological and economic tools in business models of agricultural production in the conditions of the transition to a green economy); abstract-logical (when forming a paradigm of the institutional mechanism of the ecosystem in agricultural production on the basis of the green economy); theoretical generalization and comparison (when performing theoretical generalizations and formulating conclusions, improving the conceptual and categorical research apparatus); structural and logical (when studying the transformation process in the cycles of regulation of greening and efficiency of agricultural land use under a new business model of agricultural production during the transition to a green economy). Results. The conceptual provisions of the transformation of business models of agricultural production are substantiated and the value of nature, which generates land resources for the fundamental advantages of the livelihood of rural areas, is emphasized, and warns of the risk of ecosystem destruction. Determinants of the effectiveness of the ecological and economic activity of agrarian business subjects, provided that the efficiency of agricultural land use is determined, provided by the factors of a sustainable system, which depend on the stability and profitability of the development of agricultural production. The practical application of the developed provisions makes it possible to adjust certain elements of the ecological and economic system of agrarian business entities, to improve the efficiency of the production infrastructure, to ensure changes in the structure of ownership, in legal and organizational forms of management, taking into account the peculiarities of rural areas in different regions of Ukraine. Discussion. The further direction of the development of the model of agricultural production based on the principles of the green economy involves the creation of an agro-ecological symbiosis as a new type of bioeconomy, which uses an interdisciplinary analysis of various business sectors in rural areas with numerous supply and demand flows. The introduction of new business models of agricultural production based on bioeconomic principles will allow using new sources of energy for own consumption, converting biomass into added value of processing products, and, as a result, inventing new viable ways of earning for rural enterprises. Keywords: transformation, business models, agricultural production, green economy, agricultural land, rural areas
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