1. 2)T. Shintomi, I. Chikushi, Y. Hashimoto, M. Ohata, M. Mochizuki and M. Toyoda : Effect of Weld HAZ Softening on tensile strength —Studies on Deformation and Strength in Welded Joints of Fine Grain Steel (Report 1)—, Quar. J. JWS, to be published.
2. 3)T. Shintomi, I. Chikushi, Y. Hashimoto, M. Mochizuki and M. Toyoda : Prediction of Tensile Strength of Welded Joints for Fine Grain Steel with softened HAZ -Studies on Deformation and Strength of Welded Joints for Fine Grain Steel (Report 2), Quar. J. JWS, to be published.
3. 4)日本溶接協会 鉄鋼部会SJ委員会 : 軟質溶接継手の力学的挙動と強度に関する研究, SJ委員会総合報告書(1975).