1. 2) C. Noelke: Progress in 3D: Future of medical implants, 32nd ICALEO, LMP3, p64 (2013).
2. 3) A. Almeida, M. Teixeira, C. Loable, O. Florencio, J. S. Fernandes and R. Vilar: Combinatorial laser-assisted devel-opment of novel Ti-Ta alloys for biomedical applications, 32nd ICALEO, LMP3, p64 (2013).
3. 4) M. Carin, D. Carron, R. Fabbro, M. Gharbi, C. Gorny, P. L. Masson, S. Morville and P. Peyre: Improvement and under-standing of surface finish obtained with the direct metal deposition, 32nd ICALEO, LMP10, p81 (2013).
4. 5) C. Leyens, F. Brueckner, T. Finaske, S. Nowotny, E. Beyer, S. Thieme: Laser-based fabrication with Ti- and Ni-base superalloys, 32nd ICALEO, LMP12, p85 (2013).
5. 6) X. Zeng: Challenges and opportunities in laser additive man-ufacturing of metallic components, 32nd ICALEO, OP3, p54 (2013).