The content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum of mother cows with genital mycoplasmosis and calves born from them


Vasiliev R. M.1ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


The state of the immune system of newborn animals largely determines their further development, morbidity, and productive qualities. Various diseases of pregnant animals to a certain extent affect the body of the fetus, this is especially true if the disease is characterized by an erased clinical picture and it is difficult to diagnose it in a timely manner. One of these diseases is genital mycoplasmosis of cattle, which is widespread both in our country and abroad. Despite this, many aspects of the pathogenesis of genital mycoplasmosis remain poorly understood, especially the state of the immune system. A study was made of the content of immunoglobulin classes in healthy dry cows and cows with genital mycoplasmosis, as well as in calves born by them. The results showed a significant decrease in the level of immunoglobulins and a redistribution of their classes in cows with genital mycoplasmosis. Changes of a similar nature, but more pronounced, were also noted in calves born from these cows. Studies show that pregnant cows with genital mycoplasmosis develop an immunodeficiency state, characterized by a decrease in the total amount of immunoglobulins, a significant decrease in the level of Ig G and an increase in the concentration of Ig A. A similar immunodeficiency state was observed in calves obtained from these cows. The noted changes will be useful for the development of rational therapy for genital mycoplasmosis in cows.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


General Medicine

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