Purpose: to study the effects of subclinical ketosis on the hematological indicators of the blood of highly productive milk cows in the postal period. The studied animals are selected according to the principle of conditional analogues and divided into 3 groups of 5 goals each. Depending on the concentration in the blood of 3-hydroxybutirate, animals were divided into 3 groups: 1st group-less than 0.8 mmol/l; Group 2-1.2-1.4 mmol/l; 3rd group-more than 1.4 mmol/l. The conditions of their detention and feeding were the same for all groups. The determination of the level of 3-hydroxybutirates took place 2 times: on the 5th and 15th day after the hotel. Taking blood was carried out from the tail vein in front of the morning feeding. The blood serum was obtained by centrifugation (3000 rpm) with subsequent freezing at -20 ° C. The following indicators were determined in the samples: red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, the total volume of red blood cells, the average hemoglobin content in red blood cells, the distribution of red blood cells in the blood, leukocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, thrombocytes, the average volume of platelets. Reliable differences have been established in the case of indicators of the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit in comparison of the 1st and 2nd groups with the 3rd group. A reliable correlation between the level of 3-hydroxybutirates and some hematological indicators (on various days after the hotel) has been established.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine
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