Fauna of ectoparasites of fur-bearing animals in fur farms of the Tver region


Romashova E. B.1ORCID,Kuznetsov Yu. E.1ORCID


1. St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


Fur farming is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding fur-bearing animals in order to obtain valuable fur skins from them. An important task of fur farming is to increase the quantity and quality of products obtained through intensification of production. This may lead to an increase in the number of outbreaks of infectious and invasive diseases. Ectoparasites negatively affect the quality of fur and can lead to the death of young animals. We conducted a study of the ectoparasite fauna in fur farms of the Tver region: «Savvatyevo» and «Mekha». We examined three types of furbearing animals: fox, American mink, and ferret. We performed a clinical examination of the animals; we examined the fur to detect fleas; we examined parasitological material from the auricle and external auditory canal under a microscope, we caught and determined the type of zoophilic flies. Ear mites O. cynotis have been reported in foxes and polecats. In foxes, infection rates: age 5 months – prevalence of infection 80,95%, intensity of infection 20,00 copies, at the age of 1 year – 86,67% and 6,67 copies, at the age of 2 years – 100,00% and 8,10 copies. For ferrets: age 3 months - no ear mites detected, age 1-year prevalence of infection 86,67%, intensity of infection 2,50 copies, age 2 years – 100,00% and 14,20 copies. Taking these data into account, all age groups of foxes support the invasive potential of O. cynotis equally, being a source of infection of new animals and a reservoir of the pathogen. Fleas C. (M.) s. sciurorum have been recorded in minks. The average prevalence of infection in adult males and females is 63,3%, the average intensity of infection is 11.6 specimens. The prevalence of infection of zoophilic flies was: M. domestica – 45,1%, L. caesar – 28,6%, P. regina – 11,9%, C. uralensis – 9,6%, F. canicularis – 4,8%. The number of flies in the shad was up to 30 individuals/m2. The data obtained indicate the wide distribution of arachnoenthomosis among fur-bearing animals in fur farms of the Tver region, which makes it urgent to introduce new schemes for the control and prevention of ectoparasites.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

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