1. SaintPetersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine
Modern technologies of cattle breeding imply the maximum use of the productive potential of animals, the realization of which is hindered by various diseases, one of which is genital mycoplasmosis. According to domestic and foreign scientists, this disease is quite widespread in livestock enterprises. Given that mycoplasmosis is characterized by a long latent period, its diagnosis is associated with a number of difficulties, therefore, a significant role belongs to the diagnostic aspects of immuno-metabolic changes occurring in the body. In addition, it is necessary for the development of rational therapy. We have studied the effect of tulatromycin therapy in patients with genital mycoplasmosis of cows on the content of total protein, absolute and relative content of albumins and globulins, immunoglobulins and their classes in blood serum. For the experiment, 3 groups of animals were formed: the first - cows with mycoplasmosis (without treatment); the second - cows with mycoplasmosis for the treatment of which tulatromycin was used; the third – clinically healthy cows (control). The results of studies have shown that the use of tulatromycin in this disease leads to the recovery of 75% of infected animals. significant redistribution of the content of immunoglobulins in the blood serum of cows. An increase in the content of Ig G by 44% and a decrease in the concentration of Ig M and Ig A by 37% and 31.5%, respectively, were found. However, the indicators characterizing the state of protein metabolism, except for the total protein content, did not undergo significant changes.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine
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