Effect of thymogen immunocorrected boar castration on biochemical indicators


Reshetnyak V. V.1,Stekolnikov A. A.2,Burdeyniy V. V.1,Malakhova L. V.1


1. FSBEI HE “Kostroma State Agricultural Academy

2. FSBEI HE “St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine”


The article presents the results of the dynamics of indicators of protein, nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism during castration of boars in industrial production against the background of immunocorrection with thymogen. The studies were carried out on 14 boars (aged 5 months), selected by random sampling from 38 animals in compliance with the principle of paired analogues and divided into two groups ‒ control and experimental ones (n=7 in each). All boars were castrated by an open method with preoperative medical support according to the methodology adopted in the farm. Animals of the experimental group were additionally injected with thymogen for a five-day course. During the experiment, the content of C-reactive and total proteins, albumin, globulin, urea, creatinine, glucose was determined in the blood serum. Albumin-globulin ratio was determined by the calculation method. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that castration of boars was accompanied in both groups at all stages of the experiment by an increase in the content of C-reactive protein, changes in protein metabolism, mainly in the catabolic phase of the postoperative period ‒ a decrease in the concentration of total protein, globulin below the norm in the control group with similar dynamics of indicators in the experimental group, but within the reference intervals. Further dynamics were positive in the direction of normalization at the anabolic phase. The dynamics of urea and creatinine in both groups had a wave-like character, not going beyond the normative values, the level of urea increased with a subsequent decrease, creatinine – vice versa. Their final levels were lower than the original ones.The use of thymogen largely leveled the intensity of changes in the catabolic phase of the pathological process and contributed to the normalization of the biochemical profile at the final stage of the experiment.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


General Medicine

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