Prevention of diseases of the limbs in highly productive cows in the conditions of the industrial complex


Batrakov A. Ya.1ORCID,Videnin V. N.1ORCID,Sergeeva M. A.1ORCID




The object of the study was cows of a black-and-white Holstein breed on tethered maintenance, housed in cowsheds of 200 animals each. Milk productivity per day averaged 36.2 kg per cow. The following main etiological factors of the occurrence and development of finger diseases were identified: violations of the conditions of keeping and feeding cows, lack of regular pruning and clearing of hooves, year-round stable maintenance and lack of exercise. When analyzing the biochemical composition of blood, it was revealed that the protein level in 67% of animals was higher than the normative indicators and was in the range of 89.7 - 91.2 g/l, the reserve alkalinity of blood serum in 86.5% of cows was reduced, which was 33.2 - 41.2 vol%, the ratio between albumins and globulins was violated. Also, 45.7% of the cows studied had a decrease in glucose levels in relation to the normative indicators. A set of measures for the prevention of diseases of the fingers in cows has been developed and its clinical effectiveness has been determined. A detergent and disinfectant called Compomol DS Step antipodermite is proposed for the rehabilitation of limbs in animals. This remedy has not only detergent -antiseptic properties against fresh wounds of the sole of the fingers, crumb, tissues of the arch of the interhoof slit and corolla, but also promotes rapid granulation of wounds, seals the horny wall of the hooves, forms a protective film with a long-lasting antimicrobial effect. The results obtained in production conditions indicate that the double use during the week of foot baths with a 5% solution of Compomol DS Step antipodermite reduces the incidence of limbs in cows by 26.3%, compared with the use of a 5% solution of copper sulfate.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


General Medicine

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