The effect of Klim feed additive on metabolic processes in cows after calving


Kryachko O. V.1ORCID,Lukoyanova L. A.1ORCID


1. St. Petersburg state university of veterinary medicine


During pregnancy, calving and milking, the body of cows experiences stress, which leads to a decrease in productivity and disruption of metabolic processes, and as a result to significant economic losses of milk producers, as well as to premature culling of animals.The developers offer various feed additives that help limit the manifestation of stress, one of them is the organomineral Klim supplement, consisting of organic acids and mineral components, with the properties of a universal adaptogen.The study was carried out on cows of the Leningrad region livestock farm, and the effect of the Klim supplement on the general clinical condition of cows and metabolic processes by biochemical blood analysis was taken into account.According to the results of the study, it was revealed that the Klim feed additive we studied, developed for use in cattle, had a positive effect on the nature of metabolic processes in cows during the difficult period of late pregnancy and the early period after calving. The drug helped to reduce the excess content of under-oxidized metabolic products in the cows of experimental animals, leading to the development of acidosis and eventually ketosis. We also noted the normalization of protein metabolism. In addition, the exterior of the animals was improved. Against the background of the use of the Klim supplement, ruminants also adapted faster and easier to changes in the external environment.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


General Medicine

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