Influence of vaccination with the immunocomplex vaccine from the VNIVIP strain on IL-6 gene expression and representation of opportunitical microorganisms in the intestine of laying hen


Tarlavin N. V.1,Veretennikov V. V.1,Javadov E. D.1,Kozyrenko O. V.1,Kraskov D. A.2



2. St. Petersburg State University of Medicine


The immunocomplex vaccine against infectious bursal disease from the VNIVIP strain has strong immunogenic properties, including active expression of the IL-6 cytokine synthesis genes in the tissues of the bursa of Fabricius and cecum. This phenomenon stimulates a local non-specific immune response, resulting in a reduction in the representation of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in the intestines of chickens. As a result of the studies, it was found that the relative expression in the tissues of the caecum of the intestines of chickens of the Loman White cross reached a 2.7-fold excess over the control level, and the relative expression in the tissues of the Fabricius bag - 15.6-fold excess over the control level. The relative content of bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, as sanitary indicative microorganisms, decreased by 4 times under the influence of the vaccine (from 0.253% in the control group to 0.064% in the vaccinated group). The variety of staphylococci under the influence of the vaccine was also reduced, and only unidentifiable representatives of the genus Staphylococcus were found in the vaccinated group.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


General Medicine

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