Pathological changes in the rat heart tissues during aging (according to immunohistochemical studies)


Chumasov E. I.,Petrova E. S.


The aim of the work is to study agerelated and pathological changes in the tissues of different parts of the heart of rats aged 18-23 months. Neuroimmunohistochemical reactions for PGP 9.5 protein, tyrosine hydroxylase, synaptophysin, von Willebrand factor and staining with toluidine blue for mast cells were used. A correlation was found between the level of decrease in the intensity of the innervation of the heart and pathological changes in the tissues of the heart. Destructive changes in the nervous apparatus, the presence of lymphomononuclear infiltrates and mast cells were revealed in the aortic-pulmonary region, atria and ventricles. Along with the degeneration of the nervous apparatus, reactive and destructive changes in arteriole and capillary endothelial cells, as well as their death, an increase in the number of reserve sinusoidal capillaries, an increase in the secretory activity of endotheliocytes, and pigment accumulation in the cavity of the subaortic cone were revealed.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine


General Medicine

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