1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev"
The article is devoted to the assessment of changes in the clinical condition, hematological parameters, some biochemical blood parameters reflecting the state of protein-carbohydrate metabolism in cows during the milking period, as well as the results of correction of this condition with a feed additive based on humic acids "Fulvat". The article examines the physiological processes occurring in the metabolism of cows during the newbody period and the period of separation, reflects the results of the studies conducted in assessing the dynamics and correction of the main critical indicators in hematological, biochemical blood parameters, as well as in vital changes in cows. The research was carried out using modern techniques, instruments and equipment. The object of the study was cows, 2-3 lactation of a black-and-white breed. All the animals were on tethered maintenance and a balanced diet. 2 groups were formed for research: experimental and control. The animals of the experimental group received the main ration (OR) + the feed additive "Fulvat" for 60 days from the moment of calving; the cows of the control group were kept only on the main ration, without the use of additives in feeding. The feed additive was administered orally with the main diet, mixed with concentrated feed. The total time of observation of the indicators of homeostasis in animals was 60 days. Studies have shown that the feed additive has a beneficial effect on erythropoiesis due to the presence of iron, cobalt, copper and other micro- and macroelements in the chemical composition, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the experimental group on the 60th day of lactation by 19,7 %, reducing the risk of developing a ketogenic situation, increases the level of ionized calcium in the blood of animals, which in 2 times higher, compared with animals in the control group; normalizes the acidity of the scar content in cows of the experimental group and the preservation of the number of infusoria at the physiological level.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine
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