Morphological examination of rat organs with T-2 toxicosis against the background of the use of the complex preventive agent "Zeapitox"


Perfilova K. V.1ORCID,Mishina N. N.1ORCID,Gubeeva E. G.1,Semenov E. I.1ORCID,Saitov V. R.1ORCID,Khafizova A. M.1


1. Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Federal сenter for toxicological, radiation and biological safety»


It is impossible to find out the true state of the tissue organization without conducting morphological studies. In this regard, histological analysis very objectively demonstrates the structure of cellular compositions, which is especially in demand when making a reliable diagnosis and monitoring therapeutic and preventive effectiveness. T-2 toxin, as a biogenic poison, poses a potentially permanent threat to human and animal health. It is also important that modern highly productive breeds of farm animals and bird crosses have an increased sensitivity to mycotoxins. In order to prevent mycotoxicosis, a selection of diets containing sorbents and adaptogens is promising in terms of economic and therapeutic effectiveness. The purpose of the experiment was to evaluate the preventive effectiveness of «Zeapitox» from a morphological point of view when rats were poisoned with T-2 toxin at the tissue level of a number of organs. The experiment involved 30 nonlinear rats, males weighing in the range of 190-210 grams. The first group served as biological control; individuals of the second group were given T-2 toxin at a dose of 1/10 of LD50; animals of the third group, in addition to T-2 toxin at a dose of 1/10 of LD50, were additionally fed at a dose of 0,5 % of the diet with the feed «Zeapitox». Under the influence of T-2 toxin on the histostructure of rat organ tissues, the following changes were registered: hyperemia, swelling, increased blood filling of blood vessels, as well as destructive processes of the central lobules of hepatocytes, intestinal epithelium and blood cells. The protective effect of the complex preventiveagent «Zeapitox» is manifested by normal blood filling in the spleen (red and white pulp), native beam structure of lobules and good visualization without pathological phenomena of hepatocytes, absence of edematous processes in the mucous membranes of intestinal.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine

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